Social media sensation Anjali Arora is celebrating her 23rd birthday today. Anjali had a lot of fun with friends at her birthday party in Mumbai last night, whose pictures are doing the rounds on social media. Many stars from the entertainment world attended Anjali Arora’s party, including Urfi Javed and her ex-boyfriend Paras Kalnavat. Everyone was seen having a lot of fun at Anjali’s party and the birthday girl stole the limelight in a red color gown.
Anjali Arora had reached Mumbai a day earlier to celebrate her birthday with friends. After this, he invited all his friends to the pre birthday party last night, where the view was quite fun. Ali Merchant, Nisha Rawal and Zeeshan Khan, who were contestants with her in lock up at Anjali’s party, were also seen. Apart from this, many stars including Samiksha Sood, Umar Riaz, Paras Kalnavat and Vineet Kakkar attended.
Talking about the look of the birthday girl, Anjali Arora wore a red Thai slit gown. She completed this look with a bun and perfect makeup. Anjali Arora, who turned 23, was looking very beautiful in these pictures. Social media users are also praising Anjali’s look. While congratulating Anjali, Urfi shared the story on Instagram. Urfi’s look was also very stylish like every time. In this party, Urfi was also seen posing with her ex-boyfriend.
At the same time, Anjali Arora has returned to her home after partying with friends in Mumbai. Anjali shared the story on Instagram and wrote, Home calling. In this picture she is seen in flight. Let us tell you that Anjali Arora became famous by dancing on the song ‘Kachcha Badam’. After this Anjali did many music videos and appeared in the reality show Lock Up. Anjali was well-liked in lock up and her fan following also increased a lot. Anjali is very active on social media and often her pictures or videos go viral.