Salaam Venky is an upcoming Hindi-language drama film directed by Revathi. The film is produced by Suraj Singh and Shraddha Agrawal through their banners, Blive Productions and RTake Studios, respectively. Starring Kajol and Vishal Jethwa in the lead roles, the film is centered around a true story of a mother and her son, Venky, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Bollywood diva Kajol busy with the promotions of her upcoming film Salaam Venky which is slated to release on December 9. Recently, she stepped out for a promotional event of the film in a stunning deep red solid.
Directed by Revathi, Salaam Venky is a film based on Shrikant Murthy’s book ‘The Last Hurrah.’ The film is slated to hit theatres on December 9.