Storyline: The second season begins from where DSP Ghosh (Dibyendu Bhattacharya) and Teji (Aanchal Singh) struggle to save Koyal (Apeksha Porwal) from the clutches of Rinku (Surya Sharma). Who will win in this game of power, greed and revenge when everyone is selfish?
Review: Based in Manali, Ashish R. The basic premise of the second season of Shukla’s ‘Undekhi’, Papaji’s (Harsh Chhaya) cat-and-mouse chase to bury all the witnesses (the cuckoo and the video crew team) continues. the killing.
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Simultaneously, the plot revolves around the desire of Atwal (Papaji and Rinku), who wants to expand his pharmaceutical business – basically, the supply of illegal drugs – from Himachal to Punjab. And when it comes down to it, they know no bounds.
Each character driven by their own selfish motives, it’s a frenetic quest as each character is eager to take the other down in this gripping tale of power, greed and revenge.
Like the previous seasons, this season too is very fast paced, with a new twist in each episode. Initially, the focus is on Rinku who attempts to clean up the mess left behind by the incident and maintain control over everything.
After this, from the sixth episode, the game of revenge begins, and it gets even more interesting. The series, created by Ameya Sharda and Anahat Menon, who has also co-written it with Deepak Sehgal, weaves an engaging plot with a good amount of drama and twists and turns.
Spanning 10-episodes (each lasting approximately 35-40 minutes), this second installment is packed with a lot of action, especially as Daman (Ankur Rathi) and Teji (Aanchal Singh) teach Rinku and Papaji how to try to go after someone. To teach a lesson and end all the atrocities committed by them.
Despite the fact that it can seem a bit repetitive at times, the narrative remains interesting and engaging enough for viewers to stay invested in the series.
Finally, the blistering climax, which is full of gunfire and brings everyone under one roof, proves to be quite satisfying for the audience.
Thankfully this time adding more characters to the drama, be it Samarth (Nandish Singh Sandhu) who runs the Himachal operations of Azra Ishar Pharma company along with Atwal and acts as a business hurdle for them, or Abhay (Meiyang Chang), who plays the savior of the cuckoo, doesn’t complicate the story; Rather, it adds value to it.
Apart from a crisp script, ‘Undekhi 2’ boasts of solid performances. Harsh Chhaya plays the role of Papaji, a drug addict whose solution to every problem is ‘Goli Mardange Be**ench** The’.
Surya Sharma impresses as the formidable Rinku, who is forgiving and willing to go to any extent to fulfill her papaji’s wishes and keep him safe.
Unlike the previous seasons where the women do not have a significant role in voicing their opinion in this family and are more like spectators who simply watch what is happening in front of them.
This time, the daughters-in-law – Teji and Muskaan (Shivangi Singh) – play a key role in bringing about some unexpected plot twists. Dibyendu Bhattacharya is delightful as DSP Ghosh, despite the fact that his role is limited this time around.
After Rinku’s betrayal – in which she fails to keep her promise to release Koyal in exchange for Rishi – Ghosh can be seen humming the song ‘Ekla chalo re’. It’s an appropriate choice of song, considering everyone around you is incredible.
As this season focuses more on Koyal’s fate and her revenge, Apeksha Porwal has a bigger role this time than a tribal girl, and she pulls off the role brilliantly. And Meiyang Chang gave good support to Koel.
Together they deliver some well-choreographed fight sequences, thanks to action-director Raj Shinde. Others like Nandish Singh Sandhu, Ayan Zoya, Sayandeep Sengupta, Varun Bhagat, Diwakar Dhayani have provided good support.
Murzi Pagdiwala’s (DOP) captures the whole of Manali – from the jungle to the hills and the river flowing through it – lending credibility to the scenes, even when, at times, the execution goes far-fetched.
On the whole, ‘Undekhi Season 2’ is a fitting sequel to the gritty crime drama, fueled by high-octane action and stellar performances by the ensemble cast.
This ensures a remarkable change in the dynamics between all the characters, especially the women, making it an engrossing watch.
It is being said that there is a lot of suspense for the fans of the series for the next season.