The Union Health Ministry pn Tuesday said, the central government based on the feedback of dry-run is ready to roll out Covid-19 vaccine from 13th January, 10 days from date of emergency use authorisation. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) had given emergency use authorisation to two vaccine candidates by Oxford Astrazeneca and indigenous Bharat Biotech on January 3.
India recorded the lowest Covid-19 cases in over 6 months with 16,375 new cases reported on Tuesday, taking the total number of infections to over 1.03 crore.
With 20 more infections, the number of people tested positive with the new UK variant of SARS-CoV-2 went up to 58 on Tuesday, the Health Ministry said. “All these people have been kept in single room isolation in designated healthcare facilities by respective state governments and their close contacts have also been put under quarantine,” the ministry said on Monday. Comprehensive contact tracing has been initiated for co-travellers, family contacts and others.