Actor Nitish Bharadwaj, known for playing Lord Krishna in the television mega serial ‘Mahabharat’ that broke records during its telecast has made the shocking allegation that his estranged wife, a bureaucrat, has taken his two daughters away and is preventing any interaction between them. Bharadwaj has filed a complaint with the police against his wife who is an IAS officer.
Written Complaint Submitted To Bhopal Police Commissioner
The actor submitted the written complaint to Bhopal Police Commissioner Harinarayan Chari Mishra on Wednesday, following which a probe has been initiated. This was informed by police sources.
In the complaint, the actor claimed that his wife Smita Ghate who is currently posted in Bhopal was not letting him meet his daughters. He sought assistance from the police in the matter.
“We have received the complaint from Nitish Bharadwaj that he is not being allowed to meet his daughters. Additional Commissioner of Police Shalini Dikshit has been asked to initiate a probe,” the Police Commissioner informed reporters.
Nitish Bharadwaj has complained to the police that his wife “abducted” his daughters and that he is not aware of their whereabouts. He alleged that his daughters were taken from their boarding school without his knowledge and were sent to an unknown place.
This amount to mental harassment, the actor stated in his complaint to the police, demanding that a case of kidnapping be registered against his estranged wife. Bharadwaj has said their case of marital dispute is pending in a family court. The family court, he claimed, has given an order that allowed him to meet his daughters but Ms. Ghate is stopping him.
The Actor Has Demanded Custody Of His Twin Daughters
Additionally, Nitish Bharadwaj has demanded the custody of his twin daughters, the sources said. His video on the issue has gone viral.
Meanwhile, when contacted, Ms. Ghate said that she would issue her statement after watching the video of Nitish Bharadwaj on the issue. She refused to speak further on the subject.