Home NEWSCURRENT UPDATE Nawaz Sharif Accuses Military:”We Shot Ourselves in the Foot”

Nawaz Sharif Accuses Military:”We Shot Ourselves in the Foot”

by Web Desk


In a recently televised address to the country, Nawaz Sharif, former prime minister of Pakistan in the
past said,” Neither India nor US but, “we shot ourselves in our foot.” He held the country’s army
responsible for Pakistan’s current sorry state. He blamed the military establishment of 2014-17 for
forcing senior judges to remove him from power. He further said that neither India nor the US were
behind the cash-strapped country’s miseries but that; we shot ourselves in our own foot.”
The party supremo, aiming to be Pakistan’s prime minister for a record fourth time, pointed
out that he was ousted from power three times in 1993, 1999, and 2017. ; Where Pakistan has reached
today (in terms of the state of the economy) is not because of India, the US, or even Afghanistan.
We shot ourselves in our own foot…they (a reference to the military) imposed a selected (government)
on this nation by rigging the 2018 polls that led to the suffering of the people and downfall of the
economy; Sharif said.


The 73-year-old leader criticised the judges for legitimising military dictators and being biased towards
him.;The judges garland them (referring to ‘military dictators’) and legitimise their rule when they
break the Constitution. When it comes to a prime minister, the judges stamp his ouster. Why do the
judges also approve the act of dissolution of the parliament?" he asked.
The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz supremo lashed out at former ISI chief Gen Faiz Hamid who was
responsible for ousting him from power in 2017.;A case has been opened in the Supreme Court against
those (Faiz Hamid and others) who had said that if Nawaz comes out of jail, their hard work of two years
would be wasted; he said.
The PML-N leader has returned to his country from London in October ending a four-year-long self-
imposed exile. He is the only Pakistani politician who became the prime minister of the coup-prone
country for a record three times. Recounting the incident of 1999, Nawaz Sharif, ;I was prime minister in
the morning and in the evening, I was declared a hijacker. Similarly in 2017, I was ousted from power.
They (military establishment) made this decision to bring their selected man into
power," he said, referring to his arch-rival Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf supremo Imran Khan. They (the military establishment) visited residences of senior judges and threatened them. They
achieved the required court verdicts against me through coercion; he said.
The verdict has gone in his favor in a clutch of cases. Last week, Sharif was acquitted in the Al-Azizia
Steel Mill corruption case. He has already been acquitted in the Avenfield graft case in which he was
convicted in July 2018 and sentenced to ten years in jail. He has also got relief in the Flagship corruption case.

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