After The national executive meeting of the Shiv Sena, chaired by Chief Minister and party chief Uddhav Thackeray, has passed a resolution to stop Eknath Shinde and rebel MLAs from using party founder Balasaheb Thackeray’s name.
Shiv Sena will approach the Election Commission to ensure that Balasaheb Thackeray’s and party’s name is not used by any other faction.
While reacting the Shiv Sena’s decision to write Election Commission to ensure that Balasaheb Thackeray’s and party’s name is not used by any other faction,Rebel Shiv Sena MLA Deepak Kesarkar said ,”No party is paying for our expenses (of hotel accommodation), our leader Eknath Shinde called us and we came and stayed here (Guwahati hotel); will pay the expenses. BJP isn’t behind all of this.
Recognition should be given to our faction, if it isn’t given, we’ll go to court and prove our existence and numbers. We’ve numbers, but we respect CM Uddhav Thackeray, we won’t speak against him. We must follow the path on which we fought Assembly elections.
We are still in Shiv Sena, there’s misunderstanding that we’ve left the party. We’ve just separated our faction. We’ve 2-3rd majority to follow the path we wanted. Our new leader chosen by majority. They didn’t have more than 16-17 MLAs.
Maharashtra Eknath Shinde Shiv Sena BJP Congress NCP Administration Kolkata