West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar mets union home minister Amit Shah in Delhi. After meeting with Amit Shah, West Bengal Governor raised security concerns in the state. He also alleged that police is working politically. While addressing the media, Governor Dhankar said, “Security environment in West Bengal is under threat. Al Qaeda poses a great threat as it is spreading in the state. Illegal bomb-making is widespread and the security environment is under threat. The position of the Director General of Police in the state is an open secret.We have political police. This has no place in a democracy. So far the elections in the state have been marred with rampant violence. It is the right time to engage in best practices so that every voter can freely use their franchise in a peaceful atmosphere.West Bengal is perhaps the first state where State security advisor Surajit Kar Purkayastha is a former DGP. Many people have lost arms due to Bombs. Every week we receive information about deaths due to bomb explosions. So I want to know about their work”.
Security environment in West Bengal is under threat :Jagdeep Dhankhar
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