West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee lashes out at Central government after its union budget. Firstly TMC supremo targeted Central government on price hike of petrol and diesel. Mamata Banerjee from a rally at North Bengal said,” Central government have increased the price of petrol and diesel. Cess tax is taken away by the central government. Our state government gets nothing out of it. This budget is against Farmers. Due to the price hike of petrol and diesel, famers will be affected. Centre is hiking fuel prices continuously despite of watching people suffering”.
Taking a dig at privatisation, Banerjee added,” BSNL, Railways, Air India and other PSUs are being privatised. have been privatised. State government jobs are secure. Our state Finance Minister Amit Mitra said, this budget was disguised”.
Targeting BJP’s agenda for giving business to a section of people, Mamata Banerjee added,” Bhartiya Janta party deliberately, giving business to specific peoples. There promise come before Election. They promised of 15 lakhs rupees, has they gave? They promised to reopen seven tea gardens, did they? They are here about making false promises and lies.”
Centre has approved 25000cr rupees for making roads in West Bengal. Speaking on the that, Banerjee added further,” We already made roads in North Bengal. Even we are helping our neighbouring countries. What will they do with Kolkata-Siliguri road? They made an airport in Assam. But why can’t they start Coochbehar airport?”.