Home NEWSCURRENT AFFAIRS India is the biggest emerging economy :PM Modi

India is the biggest emerging economy :PM Modi

by Kolkata Today

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted in the Lok Sabha that India under the NDA rule is moving forward as the fastest developing economy in the world despite the COVID-19 pandemic. He replied to the discussion on the motion of thanks to the President’s address this evening. PM Modi said, India is the biggest emerging economy. He listed out that India is attracting record Foreign Direct Investments. He said India is now among the five topmost countries in generating renewable energy.

The Prime Minister said, when the world has been skeptic about India’s ability to face the Covid-19 pandemic, the country presented a model to the world in tackling the pandemic with its own vaccines. He said, almost hundred percent of the eligible population have got at least a single dose of the vaccine and 80 per cent both the doses.
Mr Modi said, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply of fertilizers to the farmers has been ensured by the Centre. He reiterated that the farmers achieved record food-grains production thanks to the Government’s effective interventions during the pandemic. He said, the small farmers’ interests are being taken care of by the Government, adding, if they are made stronger, the rural economy will also get strengthened. He criticized that those who are away from the country’s grassroots cannot understand the pain of the farmers and said they are hurting the sentiments of the small farmers.
Prime Minister Modi charged the Opposition of triggering the migrant labourers in Mumbai to move to their native places, though lockdown was in force to keep them indoors. He said their movement contributed to mass spreading of the pandemic across many states. He also blamed the parties in Delhi of asking those labourers in the hutments to go back to their native villages, against the lockdown norms. He said, Yoga has proved to be beneficial to tackle COVID-19 pandemic. However, he said, the Opposition failed to promote yoga during the pandemic.

The Prime Minister said, the Make in India initiative has met with resounding success. He said, the Budget has made provisions for promoting self reliance in defence manufacturing, adding, India is becoming a major exporter of defence products. He said India suffered earlier under the UPA Government due to indecision in procurement of defence equipment leading to inordinate delays. He remarked that by the time a decision was taken, the equipment became obsolete. He however added that, at present, the procurement process has been simplified.
The Prime Minister said, just like the changed world order after the World War-Two, the post-Covid situation has also changed drastically throwing up various opportunities to India. He said, the global supply chain has got altered. He added that India would take advantage of the changing situation to the maximum to benefit the country.
Prime Minister Modi said the Start Up India initiative has led India to become the third most successful country in nourishing start-up’s. He said, during the UPA Government there were only about 500 start-up’s but 7000 start up’s have been established in the last seven years. He added, many such start-up’s have become unicorns, and expressed confidence that very soon, such unicorns based in India would cross the figure of a century. He also said many of them are poised to become Multi-National Companies.
The Prime Minister discredited all the criticisms against the Make in India initiative saying, the MSME is being benefited by the Government’s financial packages. The Centre’s three-crore rupees package has helped over 13.5 lakh MSME units, saving about 1.5 crore jobs, he said.
On inflation, Prime Minister Modi said, it was in double digits during the second term of the UPA Government which has been brought down by the NDA Government. He said, the food inflation is now under three percent. He said, India is witnessing unprecedented growth in infrastructure including in rural roads, National Highways and airports and drones. He called upon the youth to make use of the opportunities that are made available in the fields like space, drones and defence. He said, six lakh villages are being connected with fibre optic cables.




Parliament PM Modi BJP  TMC Administration Kolkata

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