Home Latest News Invasive species are responsible for incurring huge economic losses every year -CCMB SCIENTIST

Invasive species are responsible for incurring huge economic losses every year -CCMB SCIENTIST

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Invasive species are responsible for incurring huge economic losses every year

Invasive species are responsible for incurring huge economic losses every year.

Invasive species are responsible for incurring huge economic losses every year for the country apart
from wiping out entire ecosystems, said invasion biologist and young student, Gopi Krishnan of Dr. G.
Umapathy’s lab at CSIR -CCMB. His findings are gaining considerable interest because you
could inadvertently turn a small pet into a bewildering monster if you are now aware.

Biological invasion is a multi-step process wherein a species is intentionally or accidentally transported
for agriculture, ornamental, or recreation purposes and later introduced to a new location outside its
natural range. This introduced species may soon establish a self-sustaining population and disperse
further to other regions. When it starts negatively impacting the new ecosystem of which it is not a
native, it is called an invasive species. It is important to note that the species is not inherently invasive.


Krishnan cited the example of aquarium cleaning. Similar to catfish are the ‘armored sailfin’, which are
used for cleaning tanks by feeding on algal growth. The fish are quite popular in India as aquaculture
hobbyists prefer them for their low maintenance apart from aquarium- -cleaning function. A native of
South America, it is just about two inches in size. Now, when it is released in a pond, it can grow up to
two feet in length! When they grow into huge numbers, they lead to the decline of native fish through
competition for food and other resources.

Their sharp bony plates provide them protection against potential predators such as birds and other fish in the water body. They can also damage fishermen’s nets when caught, though these fish are not a delicacy. This poses an economic challenge and loss in pisciculture.

Other fish species like goldfish, alligator garfish, and arapaima fish can also grow into huge sizes, up to
five feet in length when released in water bodies. The rose-ringed parakeet, Burmese pythons, and red-

eared slider turtles are other examples of ‘pets’ becoming invasive species after initially moving as part
of the pet trade, Krishnan pointed out.


Australia has been trying to control its rabbit population owing to the havoc the animals wreak on
native biodiversity, including their crops and land. The phenomenal population originated from just 24
rabbits that were introduced for gaming in 1859, Krishnan informs.

Controlling invasive species becomes extremely difficult due to the lack of natural predators, high
reproduction rate, adaptability to newer conditions, and they cause substantial ecological and
economic damage every year.

Government departments and voluntary organizations have been working towards tackling
invasive species by conducting eradication drives, monitoring illegal pet trades, etc., said the scientist,
who emphasizes “collective action” to curb the issue.

He suggests that pet owners should register their pets with the local authorities and obtain a
license/permission to keep the same. They should be involved with the animals and learn about the
species by consulting a biologist or doing a simple Google search. Those unable to keep them any longer must give away their pet to established animal shelters or animal welfare organizations instead of letting them loose in the open.

Buying exotic and banned pet species should be prohibited and people should be made aware of the
same, added Krishnan.

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