West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee innagurated various Bhavan and markets from Netaji Indoor. On Thursday, Adibasi Bhawan, Lepcha Bhawan, Akansha Bhawan, Bonorini Market were innagurated by chief minister. Apart from that, jobs were given to Maoists to help them come into main stream.
Speaking at the program of Police chief minister Mamata Banerjee said,” We are givings jobs to surrendered maoist. We had asked them repeatedly to come in natural life and not go do wrongful things. We will be giving jobs KLO terrorists as well”.
After giving away police jobs to 520 maoist and 680 KLO terrorists, Mamata Banerjee added,” We are giving hiring letters today. There will be further appointment in Police. We will give jobs to 24000 constables in coming three years. We were, We are and We will, no issue to worry”.
Speaking on police worker’s suicidal attempts, Banerjee concluded,” If you feel depressed then go outside and have a walk. Listen to music or spend time with children. Moments will become happier soon. Dont take any bad decision on the life”.