Written and directed by Rishabh Shetty, ‘Kantara’ is garnering a lot of accolades at the box office. Made in a budget of about Rs 16 crore, this film is also continuously making records in terms of earnings.
Kannada film ‘Kantara’ is getting positive response from audience and critics only after its release. Even the veterans associated with the entertainment industry are not tired of praising it. Superstar Rajinikanth also saw this film recently and if he believes that after watching it, his hair stood up. Rajinikanth has reviewed the film through social media.
Praised producer-director
Praising the film, 71-year-old Rajinikanth wrote on Twitter, “The unknown matters more than the familiar. No one could have said it better in cinema than in the movie Homble. Kantara Movie, Tumne Mere Rongtey I salute you Rishabh Shetty as a writer, director and actor. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of this masterpiece of Indian cinema.”
Rishabh gave this answer to Rajni
Thanking Rajinikanth, Rishabh Shetty wrote, “Dear Rajinikanth sir. You are the biggest superstar of India and I am your fan since childhood. Your appreciation is like a dream come true for me. You made me do more local stories. for and has inspired audiences around the world.”
Story written by Rishabh Shetty
The story of ‘Kantara’ is written by Rishabh Shetty, he is its director and he is also appearing in the film as the lead hero. The film is produced by Vijay Kirgandur, who has given successful franchises like ‘KGF’ under the banner of Homble Films. Its budget is being told about 16 crores. Talking about the rest of the star cast of the film, apart from Rishabh Shetty, many well-known actors of Kannada films including Saptami Gowda, Kishore, Achyut Kumar, Pramod Shetty, Shahil Guru, Prakash Tuminad and Naveen D. Patil have an important role.
There is a storm going on at the box office
‘Kantara’ is running like a storm at the box office. Not only in Karnataka, but all over India as well as worldwide, its earnings are getting tremendous. According to the data of a trade tracker website, the film has collected more than Rs 232 crore gross at the worldwide box office. Out of this, the gross collection of about Rs 217 crore has come from India, while the film has earned Rs 15 crore from abroad.
Most viewed movie in karnataka
The film has set the record for the most watched film in Karnataka. Yes, here in this case it has left behind both the films of the ‘KGF’ franchise. While 72 lakh tickets for ‘KGF 1’ and 75 lakh for ‘KGF 2’ were sold in the state, 77 lakh tickets for ‘Kantara’ have been sold till October 24.