Home ENTERTAINMENTBOLLYWOOD Rohit Shetty to produce biopic on Mumbai top cop Rakesh Maria

Rohit Shetty to produce biopic on Mumbai top cop Rakesh Maria

by Kolkata Today

Rohit Shetty’s latest project has just been announced! This time, the director has taken on the role of producer for a biography. Rakesh Maria, Mumbai’s top officer and former Commissioner of Police, is the subject of a biopic produced by Rohit and Reliance Entertainment. The biography will be inspired on Rakesh Maria’s illustrious career and will be directed by Rohit Shetty.
“From solving the 93 Mumbai blast case, fearlessly facing the mumbai underworld during the late 90s to interrogating the lone surviving terrorist, Ajmal Kasab, and standing strong for his city during the 26/11 attacks… Rakesh Maria has been a name synonymous with courage and valour!” Rohit Shetty captioned a photo with former Commissioner of Police Rakesh Maria on Instagram. I’m honoured to be bringing this true story of a real-life supercop to the big screen!!!


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Rohit went on to say in an official release, “Rakesh Maria is the 36-year-old guy who has faced dread in the face! His remarkable odyssey begins with the 1993 Mumbai bombings, a threat from the mafia, and ends with the 26/11 Mumbai terror strikes in 2008.” 
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After Rohit Shetty revealed his excitement about working on Rakesh Maria’s biography, the actor himself gave his opinions on the subject. “It’s thrilling to relive the adventure, especially when it’s directed by someone as talented as Rohit Shetty. More than nostalgia, it’s an important occasion to highlight the Mumbai Police Department’s amazing performance in the face of adversity and against all obstacles “he stated

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