Trinamool Congress MP Mimi Chakraborty announced her resignation from the post today. Mimi Chakraborty, who is also a leading Bengali actor, has announced her resignation from the post, expressing unhappiness over local party leadership in her constituency. Mimi Chakraborty won the Jadavpur constituency in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. She was preceded by Sugata Bose in her constituency.
The actor has handed over her resignation to Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, who, as per latest reports, is yet to respond on the matter. This, however, would not count as her formal resignation as she has not sent her resignation to the Lok Sabha Speaker.
Will Inform Lok Sabha Speaker After Getting Mamata Banerjee’s Response
After meeting Mamata Banerjee, TMC head, Mimi Chakraborty told media persons, “Today, I met our party supremo. I had submitted my resignation to her on February 13. I have understood in all these years that politics is not my cup of tea.”
On being questioned why she tendered her resignation to Mamata Banerjee and not to the Lok Sabha Speaker, Chakraborty said, “Once I get the nod from the TMC, I will submit it to the Speaker.”
Local Leadership Believed To Be Hampering Her Discharge Of Duties
It is being believed that the local TMC leadership is proving to be a hurdle in her discharging her duties as an MP in her constituency. Mimi Chakraborty has herself not denied the fact that the local leadership is hampering her work.
Mimi Chakraborty stated that she won’t “compromise on her mental peace”.
“I will not be where I am not happy,” she commented.