Home Latest News Alexei Navalny’s Widow Has Accused Putin of Murdering her Husband

Alexei Navalny’s Widow Has Accused Putin of Murdering her Husband

The widow of Russian lawyer and Putin critic Alexei Navalny has accused the Russian President Vladimir Putin of killing her husband.

by Web Desk
Alexei Navalny’s Widow Has Accused Putin of Murdering her Husband

In a video address released on Monday, Yulia Navalnaya said: “Three days ago, Alexei died in imprisonment. Prison authorities said he died after losing consciousness following a walk in his prison colony in Kharp, 2,000 miles (1,200 kilometers) northeast of Moscow inside the Arctic circle. Vladimir Putin killed my husband, Alexei Navalny.”

Alexei’s widow has claimed that her husband died due to torment and torture. “Alexei died in a prison colony after three years of torment and torture,” Yulia said on Monday as quoted by a news agency.

Alexei’s death has grabbed headlines across the globe. Now, Yulia has vowed to continue her husband’s work, including his fight against Putin.

“The most important thing we can do for Alexei and for ourselves is to keep fighting, more desperately and more fiercely than before,” she stated. “We need to seize every opportunity to fight against war, against corruption, against injustice, to fight for fair elections and the freedom of speech, to fight to take back our country,” she added.

Yulia Navalnaya is also determined to get justice and find out the persons responsible for the alleged killing of her husband.

“We know exactly why Putin killed Alexei three days ago… We will definitely find out who carried out this crime, how it was carried out. We will name names and show faces,” she declared.

Kremlin Has Rejected Navalnaya’s Charges

Meanwhile, Russian authorities have said that the investigation into the death of Alexei was on. “It’s ongoing, all the necessary actions are being carried out,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media when asked about the investigation. He further added that Moscow considered a series of “blatantly vulgar statements” about Navalny’s death to be “absolutely unacceptable”. “These are absolutely unfounded, insolent accusations about the head of the Russian state,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Navalny’s Body Yet To Be Handed Over To His Mother

Russian authorities have so far refused to hand over Alexei ‘s body to his mother and lawyer. Alexei’s supporters claim it was a move by the “killers” to “cover their tracks.”

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