Satabdi Roy’s fans club posts in social media to clarify her stance. In the post from the fans club, its said,” I told you that I will be post about my decision. I am clarifying it through this post. Many people asked my why I am not going in all programs of the party though I want to join all party programs. I was having some issue and felt pain for nor being able to join party programs. But yesterday I had a meeting with Abhisekh Banerjee. We discussed about that and he has assured me to solve the problem”.
Speaking on her next target, in the post it said,” We should work together for the vote. After winning the vote everything will be resolve. When I came in TMC, Singur protests was going on. I promise that I won’t move back and leave the field. I thank Abhisekh Banerjee for his initiative to solve the issue. I will stand by my party and will work for the people of Birbhum, who voted for me. If anyone have any issues with the party them come and discuss. Dont go in other party to help them in the upcoming election”.