Home NEWSCURRENT AFFAIRS Prime Minister Modi Proposes To Hold COP33 In India In 2028

Prime Minister Modi Proposes To Hold COP33 In India In 2028

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Prime Minister Modi Proposes To Hold COP33 In India In 2028
In his address at COP 28, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed the intention to host the 33 rd edition
of the annual summit in India. He offered that the summit could be held in the nation in 2028. He was
speaking at the delegation of High-Level Segment for Heads of States and Government in Dubai on
December 01, 2023. The President of COP 28 was Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al- Jaber, UAE Special Envoy for Climate
Change since 2020. It is mandatory that the other signatories to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) must approve a proposal to host the Conference of Parties
(COP). Venues for future COP summits are typically decided only two years in advance. The summit was
last hosted in India in 2002, when the 8 th  edition of the event used to be a relatively serious affair with
a small attendance of ministerial delegations. Were India to host it again in 2028, it promises to be
larger in scale in all respects.
“Nature has been mercilessly exploited for personal gain by a small part of humanity. However, today,
the entire humanity is bearing the cost of it, especially those in the Global South. The insensitiveness of
a small section will lead the whole world into darkness. Not only they themselves will bear the brunt of
it but also the entire world,” said Prime Minister Modi in his address.

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