Rajib Banerjee leaves state government ministry post. On Friday after announcing his resignation, he went to meet Governor Jagdeep Dhankar. Later after meeting with Dhankar, Rajib Banerjee said,” I meet with honourable governor. I handed him the resignation letter. This was a tough decision for me. But some people knows that I may have taken this decision 2 years ago. But then I decided to stay”.
Thanking Mamata Banerjee for giving him a place in ministry, Rajib Banerjee added,”I am always thankful to Mamata Banerjee. She gave me the chance to work. She kept faith on me”.
Speaking on his resignation issue, Rajib further added,”I am taking this decision because I was unable to stay. I felt pain inside. That was unbearable for me. I have disappointment too. I didn’t born with ministry post, neither I will die with the post”.
With tears in his eyes, Rajib said,”I never thought to resign like this. It was really tough for me. But I should remain work for people. They will say whether I had done good things for them”.