Veteran filmmaker Shyam Benegal inaugurated Satyajit Ray’s Semi-permanent Gallery at the National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai. Stating that he considers Ray as his inspiration, Mr. Benegal said that Indian cinema got its due recognition due to the master director. He added that Satyajit Ray was not just a filmmaker, but a multifaceted genius who made his own posters and story-boards.
Satyajit Ray’s Gallery includes his lifelike hyper-realistic statue in characteristic posture. Visitors can interactively explore Ray’s filmography and get an actual glimpse of many of his scenes. The exhibition beautifully exhibits his films, books and his illustrious career as an illustrator as well. One can also find the ghosts floating in air atop the World of Goopy Bagha as a tribute to the ghost dance created in the film ‘Goopy Gayn, Bagha Bayn’.
Meanwhile, a three-day Satyajit Ray Film Festival to mark the legend’s Birth Anniversary also began in multiple cities, including Mumbai. Director Anik Dutta’s film ‘Aparajito- a tribute to Satyajit Ray’ was the opening film. It portrays Ray’s remarkable efforts in making his debut film ‘Pather Panchali’. Post the screening of the 135-minute Bengali film, the cast and crew including Director Anik Dutta and actor Jeetu Kamal interacted with the audience.
In the coming two days, cine lovers can watch ‘Jalsaghar’, ‘Heerak Rajar Deshe’, ‘Inner Eye’, ‘Seemabaddha’ and ‘Pather Panchali’ besides a panel discussion with Shyam Benegal, Barun Chanda and Shantanu Moitra as panelists.
Satyajit Ray Shyam Benegal India Cinema Entertainment Kolkata