The West Bengal government on Sunday announced a reduction of tax by ₹1 per litre on petrol and diesel. The State’s Finance Minister Amit Mitra said the reduction in sales tax would come into effect from midnight. “To reduce the common man’s burden, the State Government has decided to allow rebate of Re 1 per litre on sales tax payable on sales of petrol and diesel w.e.f. the end of midnight of 22nd February 2021 till 30th day of June 2021,” Amit Mitra said on virtual media briefing.
The Finance Minister added that the State government received nothing from the cess imposed by the Centre on petrol and diesel. The amount collected through cess was not a part or devolution (of revenues). Petrol prices in the poll-bound State are at nearly ₹92 per litre.
“The Centre earns Rs 32.90 per litre in taxes from petrol, while the state gets Rs 18.46. In case of diesel, the central government’s earning is Rs 31.80 per litre as against Rs 12.57 for the state,” the West Bengal Finance Minister said.