Another political jolt for the ruling Trinamool Congress, Tollywood actor Hiran Chatterjee joined the Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday. The Tollywood actor had recently quit the TMC.
Hiran Chatterjee joined the BJP in presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah at the Namkhana Rally and BJP state unit president Dilip Ghosh welcomed him in the party
The development comes a day after another Bengali actor Yash Dasgupta joined the BJP just ahead of West Bengal Assembly Election, due in April-May this year.
What is the reason for this decision? To this question Hiran said, I am a boy of ordinary house. I understand common people’s sorrow and suffering. And politics is a huge tool to change society and the system. If there is no power in hand, abuse of power cannot be prevented. He added, ‘I joined a TMC in 2014 with that dream, I thought a lot would happen. Bengal will change, but nothing has happened on the streets except blue and white. I am going to join the work that has started across the country under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi. I want to join the All India Party in power for development.
Hiran alleged that his glamor, his identity was used only for publicity by TMC .But no one in the party listened to him, the actor claimed. He hopes that by joining an all-India party like the BJP, there will be an opportunity for real change. He has also expressed his desire to contest the elections. However, the final decision will be taken by the BJP, said Hiran.